@me is an interactive, practical and quick intervention of behavioural assessment, change management and coaching that defines who you are, prioritizes what you want and outlines the steps needed to get there.
Whether you want to start new habits, end destructive ones or make meaningful transformations in work, life or relationships, @me exists to bring “you” back to the center of your own personal dialogue.

Management Professionals
Professional and middle managers want to enjoy a respected and successful career that brings them both rewards and satisfaction.
As they progress along their career path, they may lack focus or lose sight of their goals. They may even end up getting overwhelmed with life’s demands in general and get tangled up in a series of reactions instead of responding and leading with choices that represent who they are.
@me is designed to help professionals set the course, re-ignite the spark and help them define their calling that will lead to them making choices that resonate with them personally and professionally.
Students & New Graduates
Students are eager to make sense of life and their surroundings. They want to study and be able to make life and career choices that will empower them to discover who they are and help them define their true potential.
But there are many questions that need answering. What do those choices look like? How do you know if you’re making the right one? If you’re on the right path? Where do you start and how do you stay committed to it for the long run?
Through the science of behavioral assessments and coaching interventions, @me was designed to help bring out the best of each individual by defining their communication style, decision making strength and top skills. It provides a list of aspects to overcome, avoid or minimize while employing true self-awareness to aid in making rewarding choices in study, work and relationships.
Business Leaders & Founders
Leaders and founders of businesses aspire to achieve success while ensuring their teams are fully engaged in a company’s progress.
But leading people can be more challenging than expected. Leaders often find themselves postponing their strategic role and get caught in an endless cycle of putting out fires and/or micromanaging team members.
@me helps business leaders set a true course for growth, for engaging autonomous teams and enjoying successful integration of work, life and relationships. Through behavioural assessment and coaching intervention, natural leadership styles, stressors and strategies will be clearly defined so leaders can move forward with confidence.
- Interview Preparation
- Career Planning & Pivoting
- Starting A Business
- Enhance Work / Study Performance
- Leadership Development
- Communication Style
- Constructive Habits
- Building Confidence
- Decision Making
Contact Shadi to get started!
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